RE: ANNOUNCEMENT -The Progress Action Coalition

From: Reason (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 00:22:01 MDT

> The foci of Pro-Act is to review the topography of opposing groups and
> individuals to the advanced technologies and biotechnologies; to develop
> reliable information concerning (pros and con) specific issues hitting the
> mainstream (currently: stem cells research, cloning of cells and organs,
> genetic engineering, nanotechnologhy, globalization, environmental
> technologies, etc.). We intend to publically counter overstated and
> inaccurate claims which have been fostering fear and resentment among
> people. Understanding such fear and resentment, we hope to lay to rest
> some of the truly wrongful claims and to help the people see more
> objectively how current fast-paced advances in both science, technology
> along with human/transhuman ingenuity, flexibility and creativity, can
> improve the human condition rather than endanger humanity.
> >Political and legislative advocacy?
> >Apolitical consciousness raising?
> Both because they are interrelated, but this is not a central
> aim. We have
> and will indeed discuss Pro-Act issues with individuals who represent
> political organizations. Hopefully it will become a topic for Politically
> Incorrect "-) Personally, I favor consciousness raising through cultural
> means. The main vehicle to start will be our email list and Web site.
> Part of Pro-Act's initial foci is available in power point at
> There will be an update on
> strategy in a week and I'll be posting this to the list.
> All comments and ideas for Pro-Act are welcome.

This is all very good. Very good indeed. :)

I've been organizing, researching and procrastinating (mostly the latter
two, I'm sad to say...humans have pretty much got forgetting about slowly
impending death down to a fine art) for a year or so on a similar but more
specific project. Making money and being a compulsive programmer keep
getting in the way. Around the time I was finally realizing I just had to
sleep less if I want to get everything done and started to get moving on it,
you guys are making inroads on a broader topic.

The only thing I have to flaunt right now is a concept site layout at Not much information there, but you get the
picture. The site is shortly to be ripped up, reworked, be imbued with
content, et al and moved to a Cold Fusion hosting service as soon as I have
nonprofit papers in order.

The Longevity Meme vision: to assist in founding an age of practical
immortality by advocating the development of life extension technologies,
and by raising social and media awareness of benefits and possibilities
resulting from the ongoing and future development of life extension

So it would seem that I'm seeing exactly the same absence of rational
cheerleading that you are, but in my own narrow-visioned way ;)

I'm also a big believer in the Power of the Web; online communities get
things done if constructed well. So I like the idea of other people getting
on with similar projects; it's a spur. Makes me feel tardy, and that's good.
More the merrier, the more we'll all get done, one can but hope!


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