Re: vegetarianism and transhumanism

From: KPJ (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 08:53:58 MDT

It appears as if Zero Powers <> wrote:
|Is eating other creatures really that bad of a thing?

Whether some person considers eating other creatures to "be" a bad thing
depends on the active belief system (aka meme complex) of that person.

+ I know that there
|could be much more humane ways of doing it than raising a calf to be trapped
|in a cage for its whole life before being killed by a blow to the head. But
|that aside, most creatures that we eat were made to be eaten.

[Two scientists looking at a blackboard filled with mathematics, ending with
 random scribble. Caption: "Up to this point, his logic is impeccable.".]

Who "made" them "to be eaten", according to your religion, then?

+ Its called
|the food chain. If we don't eat them other predators will.

Your reasoning circuits malfunction.

With that kind of reasoning, I could declare the rightness of taking your
money, life, etc. by stating "If I don't take your X, somebody else will.".

If you instead stated that you believe in the members of the more
intelligent species having a axiomatic right to kill and devour
the members of the less intelligent species, then you would state
the same belief as you did above, but without trying to make your
belief system into some self-evident truth.

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