RE: vegetarianism and transhumanism

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 14:15:17 MDT wrote,
> 1) For the record could you clarify if you are vegetarian or vegan? When
you refer to vegetarian foods this could mean cholesterol laden eggs etc to
some people.

Good question. I am vegan most of the time. I avoid milk, cheese, eggs,
fish, fowl or meat. I occasionally let milk or eggs sneak in my food while
eating out where I don't have much control over my diet. Eggs and dairy
products are animal foods extracted from animals flesh. They contain the
same cholesterol, triglycerides, hormones, proteins, bacteria, viruses and
possibly prions as the originating animal. It is possible to avoid meat
products and receive all the same animal-synthesized chemicals through
animal byproducts.

> 2) In modern America it doesn't seem to be a lack of protein that is of
concern, more the vast excess that around a third of the population seem to
be consuming.

Yes. As we discover more about calorie restriction, free radical
suppression, and diets that fight cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc., it is
obvious that modern diets do not suffer from deficiencies of good chemicals,
but rather they suffer from an excess of bad chemicals. To be healthy in
modern America, it is more important to avoid certain foods than to seek out
certain foods. Deficiency diseases like scurvy, beri beri, pellegra,
rickets, gout and the like are very rare. Excessive diseases like diabetes,
cancer, obesity, heart disease, and lung cancer are becoming increasingly
common. These diseases are diet related and self-inflicted.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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