Re: Hate IRC? Was: Hate mail anyone?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 01:25:19 MDT

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky explained,
>From the perspective of a normative reasoning system,
> humans, who "want" something to be true - not true in the future, but true
> in the present - and who make up reasons to believe something they "want
> to believe" - well, they're pretty much insane.

Right on, and since this includes most humans, it makes clear the urgency to
initiate a phase transition.

> To the extent that any human being is sane or saner - perhaps due to
> studying evolutionary psychology - it is a sane personality built from
> insane components.

If we had to choose between sanity and friendliness in AI, we go for sanity,


Stay hungry,

--J. R.

Useless hypotheses:
 consciousness, phlogiston, philosophy, vitalism, mind, free will, qualia,
analog computing, cultural relativism

"Then steven spielberg's big movie, ai. ... Artificial intelligence. Pinnochio
meets Blade Runner. A little boy that doesn't know he's an android. You never
bet against steven spielberg from jaws to raiders of the lost arc to jurassic
park, he knows how to make the blockbusters. Jon: And E.T. Supposed to be
along these lines. The feel good little kid movie.
 Sure. And another movie with two letters in it. I think he's got a winning
formula. Jon: Doesn't miss very often."
--CNN News

And finally "A.I." From steven spielberg. >> Artificial intelligence. That's
the one with haley joel oz meant. Hidden and secretive as to what it's about.
Osment plays a computerized human who develops real feelings. >> I talked to
dreamworks folks after the oscars they said next year we'll be talking about
"A.I.". >> You could be right. >> Dave karger, thanks very much. Wait. What?
What my purse is gone. It's gotta be here somewhere. No, it's not here. It has
my wallet in it. It has your wallet in it. Waiter. Oh, I can't believe it.
It's gone. All our vacation money is in there . See anything there? All your
base are belong to us. Our vacation is ruined. Anyone could have it now. It's
a white purse. It's about like this. Waiter: White. It has a gold chain. All
that cash! It was $6-700. Announcer: American express travelers eques......
--WNBC Today show

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