Bracelet matters, was Re: Alcor

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 21:26:46 MST

Mark: be aware that most paramedics do not look at ankles when treating
people who are "down". Not that that situation is optimal for recovery
in any event...

And felicitations on your signup.

There are several ways to make it larger, but they all boil down to
adding links. You want the new links to be of a similar makeup so it's
less likely to fail there. I'd shop around or ask Alcor for a second
(blank) bracelet and then add an appropriate sized chain of links to the
"non-clasp" end. If I had time, I might have a jeweler do it.

Mark Shewmaker wrote:

> I just completed my sign-up a few months ago, and I've
> been wearing either my necklace or bracelet, (as an ankle bracelet)
> ever since. (BTW, anyone have any suggests on resizing the thing
> to be a bit larger?)

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