Re: web snapshot

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 21:21:35 MST

It's a good idea, but it's a Red Queen's Race. God's own data firehose.

To whom it may concern: If you quote that, please attribute it. Thanks!

Brent Allsop wrote:
> Spike Jones <> posted:
> > You know, a technique for archiving the entire content of the web on
> > any given day in history would be valuable as all hell.
> Absolutely!
> There are at least some orgs pushing in this direction.
> <URL:> for example. They claim:
> > the Project has inevitably produced the largest archive of Web
> > source material in existence.
> I think there should be much more effort going into this kind
> of archival of all history, not just the web.
> Brent Allsop

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