Re: Nanotech & how to prepare for the future

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 15:03:33 MST

>Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > I'm starting to think that the hottest next thing (< 2 years before it
>> explodes) is PDAs on steroids => practical, ubiquitous wearable
>> computers and massively available personalized computer access and
> > services.

I think you are absolutely correct. The key here, I predict, is fast
network access. If your PDA is really online, and can be accessed
from any phone, any cellphone, any terminal, any mall kiosk, I think
it would be useful. If you lose your phone, buy or borrow a new one.
Your phone dies, get on a land line. Your computer crashes, use
someone else's. If your PDA is instantly destroyed, your data is
still safe and sound somewhere else. I also predict communications
between PDAs, instant purchasing with digital cash, and live services
will be key to make these popular. Live services would be hailing a
cab when none are in sight, ordering food before arriving at the
restaurant, buying movie tickets on the way to the theatre, etc.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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