Re: Nanotech

Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 04:17:09 MST

Nicq MacDonald wrote:

> I was wondering what course of study would be suitable for someone
> interested in entering the field of Nanotech R&D as a career. For some time
> now, I've been thinking of leaving my studies of Philosophy and Psychology
> (neither of which seem to be getting me anywhere), and going into the
> sciences- I'd love to get in on the coming revolution while there's still
> time.

Right now the best ROI should be in computational chemistry. This
will involve some basic (or not so basic) understanding of chemistry
and quantum physics as well as lots of hand-on on computers. It really
helps if you can program. I recommend supplementing that with a lot of
molecular biology, but not the recombinant DNA kind. Read Science and
Nature regularly, as well as dedicated nanotechnology journals (you
can't afford them, so go visit the library).

You could go into proximal probe microscopy, but I feel that's
specializing too soon. Would seem a definite mistake at this early
stage of the game. My $0.02, ymmv.

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