Re: POL: United States

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 15:19:26 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote,
>Actually, half of Coos County, NH was an independent nation called the
>Indian Stream Republic in the early 1800's because both the US and
>Britain claimed the territory and could not agree on things, and the
>residents were sick of being forced to pay taxes to both country. They
>told both countries to get out until they figured out who really owned
>that land.

This is cool, Mike! I love learning new things that are generally
overlooked by others. Why does history leave out these interesting
details? Too small? Too short-lived? Not important enough in the
big picture? Except for pre-existing native american tribes, I had
no idea that there were any nations in the history of North America
of which I was not aware. I wonder if there are more.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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