mumbo jumbo

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 09:00:55 MDT

At 03:16 PM 19/09/00 +0200, Amara wrote:

>I found the following reference to "hypnagogic trance", but I don't
>know if it is a reputable reference. (I'm skeptical.)

Urp. Monroe was a loon who thought he could project his mind outside his
body into all manner of wondrous parallel worlds. The bit he left out of
his first very pop-successful book was that he'd started this after
sniffing some interesting volatiles. La la.

McMoneagle, cited at the end, works some of the time at the Monroe
Institute, and is the most notable of the former CIA remote viewers. I
don't know if his claims in that regard are kosher or not; most people here
regard them (without investigation) as simply out of court, but I find some
reason to take his reports seriously (where conducted under scientific
scrutiny, as the intelligence/military work was, and more recent stuff done
with Dr Ed May and others).

Hypnagogic experiences don't have anything at all to do with either of
these purported phenomena, though.

Damien Broderick

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