Re: homeless

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 16:59:12 MDT

Nadia wrote:
Now it's condensed into one small, very smelly, skid row area by the downtown missions. You can barely drive through there for fear of hitting someone, since they seem oblivious to the outside world. Thousands of people wander aimlessly through this four square block area. Any tourists planning on visiting? It's 3rd St near Los Angeles St : - )

Wow.... Maybe if I make it to the next Extro convention I should visit the place...

Anchorage has a bad homeless problem. Some are mentally ill, but many more are simply alcoholics. The Native Alaskan people who are genetically prone toward alcoholism make up a large percentage of this group. Of course, being descriminated against for decades has scarred many of these men and women who are in their forties and beyond.

We definitely have a "professional" panhandling class around here too. I saw a man hold a "will work for food" sign up by a busy intersection. I happened to be passing him at just the right time... He left his "post" and walked to a big, beautiful, new-looking pick-up; he got out his keys and drove off!! I don't look at people like him the same way anymore.

I am truly sick of aggressive panhandlers who give a hint of violence if they are not helped. I do not approve of their attempts at intimidation tactics. I once had a group of homeless verbally accost me as I was walking outside. Finally, I told them angrily that I did work but barely made enough to get by at my place of work, a large retailer. Then, they decided to commiserate with me and said they understood. These guys were at least as able-bodied as I am. In fact we have a lot of "fisherman" or "cannery workers" who when they are out of work revert to panhandling.

you continue:
BTW I'm not sure how wise free shooting galleries are. It will undoubtedly keep some dirty needles from underfoot, but how does that help curb the main problem: heroin addiction...

We should find out if someone on the list is from Amsterdam? I recently read the gov't there has become more conservative in dealing with the drug problem there. And they used to be the liberal ideal in terms of dealing with drug users.



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