Re: Fwd: Ray Kurzweil debates Bill Joy on NPR "Science Friday"Friday at 3 pm

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 14:57:02 MST

>From: Ken Clements <>
>Max More wrote:
> > >
> > >Announcement from Kurzweil Technologies, Inc.
> > >
> > >Ray Kurzweil will be a guest on National Public Radio (NPR) "Science
> > >this Friday (March 17) at 3 PM EST (for one hour). Host Ira Flatow
>will be
> > >interviewing Ray and Bill Joy (Cofounder and Chief Scientist of SUN
> > >Microsystems).
> > >
>I encourage people on this list to send in questions or comments for this
>TODAY by email to: so they will be in the queue tomorrow.

Get more info about tomorrow's show at:


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