Nanotech Education

From: Ken Clements (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 14:56:59 MST

I was listening to a story on NPR this morning that made me sit back and
have a moment of satisfaction for what we do. You can hear the story

Look for the blurb that says:

> NPR's Margot Adler talks with Jon Katz, the author of "Geeks: How Two
> Lost Boys Rode the Internet Out of Idaho," and Jesse Daily, one of the young men profiled in
> the book, about what it is like to be a geek today. (8:20)

In part of the story, an intelegent young man (Jesse) describes his
highschool "river of pain" and how Jon's geek research caused him to use
the net to try to reformulate his life. He said that at one point he
scraped together all the money he had to go to a two day nanotech
conferece in San Jose. That was a major turning point where he saw
people push technical possibilites to the limit without fear of loss of
social standing by being too smart.

Many of us here have supported these conferences over the years, and I
thank each of you who have done so. I think anything we can do to show
young people that understanding science and technology is not a bad
thing, goes toward science and technology not being used for bad ends.


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