Re: Nanomilitary policy

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 13:59:45 MST

>From: Ken Clements <>
>Attacks based on nanotechnology will be able to take so many forms, that
>defensive attempts will always lag too far in the past to provide any
>confidence. Don't limit your thinking to nanobots as a new biological
>Nanobots could form a hemispherical shell cloud 1/2 km from you (so thin
>would not detect it), that suddenly detonates and sends a collapsing
>wave to implode you. Something else can come at you from under the ground,
>even through the wires to your phone. The phase space of destructive
>techniques is vast, and not something I should discuss here. All it takes
>is a
>slight head start for one group with the will to try to have it all (or the
>fear of another).

Sheesh! And I thought Bill Joy was going to give me nightmares!

  I do not see how our traditional military policy is going to
>protect us.

Can *anything* really protect us? Or should I renew my membership to the
Neo-Luddite Federation?


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