48 Hours, On the Brink

From: Kathryn Aegis (k_aegis@mindspring.com)
Date: Sat Jan 01 2000 - 22:01:47 MST

Doodling along on the internet while watching this 48 Hours
special--I still can't get over the fact that uploading/downloading
is being discussed on a prime-time television network show.
Without a smirk on the face of the reporter, or intimations that
the scientist is actually mad....

One disappointment: During a discussion of the possibility
of downloading new skills into one's brain, 48 Hours showed
video clips of dancers, violinists, and other persons using
fine motor skills. Given that the spinal cord contains its
own secondary learning system, and that dancers and musicians
train that secondary system over years of practice, it isn't
that reasonable to think that one could suddenly download
and become the next Yo Yo Ma. A small quibble, tho.

Kathryn Aegis

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