Brecht in Space

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 14:03:59 MST

Aussies just wanna have fun! A witty pal, Robin Pen, sent this to another
list, which had been ranting abt Galileo with the occasional mad jest. I
fwd without Robin's permission, for the peri-millennial joy of it all...

>Then there's Brecht's famous excursion into Ufology, THE CAUCASIAN CROP

Act One Scene One
Banner is lowered to stage. Written on it: Believer, after having filmed a
flying saucer over his corn field, goes to the skeptics, but they choose not
to see.

Believer: The aliens, they're here and making crop circles.

Skeptic A: Impossible. There are no aliens.

Believer: But I can prove it.

Skeptic B: You can't prove something that is impossible.

Believer: But I can. I video taped one of those flying saucer things
hovering over me corn field.

Skeptic A: Impossible, there are no flying saucers so you couldn't have
caught an image of one on your camera.

Believer: Well, you just look at the tape and decide for yourself.

Skeptic C: We will not. There would be nothing to see.

Believer: Just look at the tape.

Skeptic B: We will not waste our time looking at a tape to see nothing on

Believer: Just look at the tape.

Skeptic A: No, now go away. And take your charming daughter with you.

Believer: Bloody skeptics.

Daughter: Christ dad, you're a pain.

Banner is lowered to stage. Written on it: Believer takes tape to the
military who then detain him as a threat to security. Believer then claims
he faked the video footage and made his own circles. He is set free. His
charming daughter marries a space shuttle pilot.

The End

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