Wired contents

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 13:51:54 MST

At 02:34 PM 12/22/99 -0500, you wrote:

>First thing I do with Wired is tear out everything before the table
>of contents. Ironic that a magazine geared at information-hungry
>technophiles is run by McLuhanites who think the medium is the message.
>Are they just lucky yahoos serving a market that isn't served by anything
>more suitable, or are they really onto some big market of wannabe-technophiles
>who failed math and like bright flashy colors?

Hi Phil,

If you're tired of Wired (and most other magazines) locating their contents
page several hundred pages into the issue, try Business 2.0. They "get it".
Contents right at the start, with sections neatly coded with colored
marking on the edges of pages.


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