Wired Article (was: META: Ideas link broken!)

From: Geoff Smith (geoffs@interchange.ubc.ca)
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 19:06:49 MST

Has anyone actually read the Wired Article? It makes Extropians sound
like a bunch of clueless loonies. In fact, I think the author's words
were "overzealous amateurs." Ouch!

Robert Bradbury fairs particularly poorly, and it makes the biotech
futures conference sound like a big waste of time:


However, once you get past the first few paragraphs, he stops talking
about extropians, and starts talking about life extension. Then the
article becomes worth reading.

I'm having a hard time deciding whether this articles is a net positive
thing. I think it is. Anyone who went to the biotech futures
conference care to comment?


Dan Fabulich wrote:
> http://www.extropy.org/ideas.htm doesn't find anything. Somebody who can
> probably ought to do something about this, especially since we're likely
> to receive a lot of new traffic what with the Wired Article, and I
> personally found the Ideas links to be the the best part of the site!
> -Dan
> -unless you love someone-
> -nothing else makes any sense-
> e.e. cummings

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