Re: Waco: Govt Set Fire

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 16:40:41 MDT

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Ian Goddard wrote:

> This supports no other conclusion than
> that mass murder was the Govt's intent.

Not! It would be *highly* difficult to say the "government"
as a big global body *intended* anything. The "intent" of
*any* group of individuals, much less an organization such
as a goverment is a difficult thing to determine and this
statement screams of inflamatory rhetoric!

The last time I checked, the *government* included such things
as the congress, the president and the courts. And getting
them to agree on things, particularly something such as
"lets commit mass murder" seems very iffy in my opinion.

Now, out-of-control individuals, acting in the "name"
of the government can certainly (a) make mistakes; or
(b) commit highly offensive acts. I would use the Watergate
affair and/or certain policemen videotaped in Los Angelas as

However, an individual (or group), acting improperly, in the
"name" of the goverment is *no* excuse for lumping together
all of the individuals who comprise the goverment and labeling
them mass murderers.

I hope that the "bogusity meter" of everyone reading this
statement went relatively off the scale. Claims this extreme
should warn everyone that the individual(s) involved have
an agenda to promote. That being the case, I would conclude
that the video *should* be viewed with the knowledge that
any digital media can obviously be faked. I personally
have done bit editing on images. It isn't difficult and
anyone can do it. Given the time delay between Wako
and now, you should view any "hard" evidence with the
knowledge that there has been plenty of time to "fix"
a video and make it believable.

I do not intend these statements in any way as a conflict
with statements made by Robin Hanson, whom I believe to
be an individual who honestly presents things to the best
of his ability to interpret them. The problem is that
I doubt we have anyone in the group qualified to examine
the video to the expert degree required and I do not
know if the time lapse is great enough or advanced software
technologies are good enough to have allowed an uncontestable
falsification to have been made.

Buyer beware, trust but verify.


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