New Star Wars Movie Anti-Extropian?

From: Randy (
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 01:07:10 MDT

Haven't seen the new Star Wars movie (The Phantom Menace) but after
reading an article on it in Time/ Newsweek/ US News & World Report,
 I don't think I will. There was a quote from the movie featured
prominently in a caption which I thought seemed to be a major theme in
the Star Wars mythos and in all human cultures as well, which is
perhaps why it resonates so well with the public. The quote is "Don't
  I read that and gave it some thought, and have decided that
particular sentiment/philosophy, for lack of a better word, sucks.

In fact, it is one of the things I think is wrong with humanity, this
deep reservior of mistrust for rational thought.

I say, turn it around: Don't feel--think!

Cryonics: Gateway to the Future?

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