Re: NOW(-ish): Education

From: Jocelyn Brown (
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 11:03:41 MST

>It seems too me that one of the basic skills that people learn in school
>how to learn. Assuming that this is a genetic trait, what if the child
>wants to learn to read because playing outside with friends is more fun?
>There are windows of opportunity to learn certain types of skills when you
>are young that increasingly become difficult with age. e.g. learning a
>lanuage. I think the window is between 0-7 years. During this time, isn't
>easier to learn one or more lanuages?
>jeff taylor

First off, if a child does not wish to learn to read, then forcing the
subject on him will only cause him harm, and will certainly not teach him to
enjoy reading. I do believe it is easier to learn to read up until a certain
age, and I'll accept your age of 7 for the sake of discussion, because I
don't have more accurate information. It is my belief, and I think the
success of SVS shows, that if children want to learn, and if they have to
read to learn, that they will want to learn to read. But they have to decide
when. I was reading at age 3-4, not because of school but because my parents
read to me and I wanted to learn it. My husband, who is more intelligent
than I am, learned to read between the ages of 6-7. He just wasn't ready
before then. But when he was ready, he did it, and he did it because he
wanted to.

What you say about languages is also true -- it is far easier to learn them
at a young age. But once again, how does this typically come into practice?
Not by them being taken to classes at age 3 to learn to speak French. It
happens by living in a multilingual household or by spending time in foreign
countries during these developmental years. Personally, I highly recommend
this and intend to do it with my own children when I have them.

Jocelyn Brown

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