Re: MIL: Warfare Basics

Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 18:46:29 MST

In a message dated 3/25/99 11:17:01 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> The aircraft's engines could (partially) power
> the laser.

This brings to mind a "war story" my brother in law, (some kind of engineer
for General Electric) told me one thanksgiving several years ago (maybe

It seems that GE. builds some odd (prototype) generators which are physically
capable of being "de-spun" from their operational rpm (several tens of
thousands?) to "dead stop" in milliseconds.

In so doing a tremendous amount of energy is generated in an extremely short
period of time. This energy powers a laser. A very powerful laser.

It seems that a large aircraft can carry MANY of these generators. They are
"spun-up" by jet exhaust....similar in concept to the operation of a turbo

A multi-shot megawatt (or larger) mobile laser?

Indio California

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