Re: Hiveminds and the Great Filter

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Mar 12 1999 - 09:40:34 MST

Pat Fallon wrote:

> Spike Jones wrote:
> > Pat Fallon wrote:
> >
> > > If quasars are nearby, they may even exhibit proper motion in the sky as the
> > > Earth travels around the sun. Such a proper motion has been seen. See Quasar
> > > Absolute Proper Motion
> > > [] for a table that includes
> > > such proper motion observations."
> >
> > Proper motion of quasars? Surely you jest, Pat. Experimental error. spike
> Maybe. I only recently started looking into alternatives into the BB,But here are
> some links for further info on absolute motion of quasars:

Since WHEN have quasars been considered to exist within our own galaxy?

Everything I've ever heard said they are distant extragalactic objects that put out
the energy of hundreds of thousands of stars.

Mike Lorrey

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