Re: MUSIC Frank Zappa

From: Max More (
Date: Fri Feb 19 1999 - 10:22:43 MST

I won't claim that the experience is "extropian" (whatever that would mean
in this context), but I can highly recommend playing the first piece of
"Jazz from Hell" on a good stereo at high volume!

I really should buy that CD. Greg, do you recommend any other of his albums
in particular, as reflecting his views?

Curiously, I first noticed Zappa as a teenager when someone played a track
that appeared to be about anal sex. I don't remember appreciating the music
at that time, but it made him difficult to forget!


Max More, Ph.D.
<> or <>

Implications of Advanced Technologies
President, Extropy Institute:
EXTRO 4 Conference: Biotech Futures. See

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