Re: primative transhumans

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Feb 01 1999 - 22:00:31 MST

Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko wrote:

> At 17:59 01/31/99 , Spike Jones wrote:
> >several days ago someone (who?) made the astute observation
> >that one who uses computers might in some sense be considered
> >the first step in the evolution of a transhuman, since ze would
> >exend zis natural abilities by technological means.
> >
> Consider usage of a shovel. Or a stick.
> Many animals use tools as well.

sasha, i mean computer use is another step above ordinary tool
use. it is a step above even telephone use. the web is a unique
example of technological development. whenever i come up with
some question, regardless of how arcane, someone on extropians
knows the answer or where to find the answer on the web. i
cant think of anything that is really equivalent to that.

> When you start modifying your functionality in more dramatic
> way, that affects your self-perception and your social roles,
> then things start to change...

ok, but development of the internet is the most dramatic change
i anticipate before nanotech. implanting devices in our brains
to communicate with computers is the only other development
that compares.

> Have you seen my article on evolution of relation of humans
> and technology in Extropy Online?

no. i need to get on that. {8^D spike

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