primative transhumans

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Jan 31 1999 - 15:59:11 MST

several days ago someone (who?) made the astute observation
that one who uses computers might in some sense be considered
the first step in the evolution of a transhuman, since ze would
exend zis natural abilities by technological means.

this insightful comment can perhaps be supported by my work
environment. where i work (lockheed) there are a large number
of engineers with a broad spectrum of experience levels. every
one has at least one computer on zis desk by mandate. some
use their machines almost never, others, such as me, use them
so constantly, we have given up using pens on paper. information
in that form i have found practially useless because it cannot be
searched and found effectively when needed. computers make
great filing cabinets. {8-]

the ratio of effectiveness of an engineer who uses the computer
to nonusers is increasing all the time as computers improve, and
more importantly, as software improves. specifically, i refer to
the scientific use of spreadsheets. engineers disdained these for
a long time (secretaries and beancounters used them you see).
well, we no longer have secretaries, and engineers have realized
how brutally effective one can be when one gets hot with a spreadsheet
such as excel. i am no fan of microsoft, however microsoft
excel is the one tool that has made the biggest difference in
the way engineering is done in my office. spike

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