Re: Nanotech Arms Race

Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 10:41:47 MST

Spike Jones, <>, writes:
> the thought was incorrect too: there may be other more radioactive
> isotopes more suitable for tiny reactors than plutonium. i didnt think
> it thru carefully enough. i guess thats what the concept of nanotech
> does to one: opens ones mind a bit. {8-]

I have seen the size of the nucleus relative to the size of the atom
as being comparable to the size of a fly relative to the size of a
football stadium. Imagine trying to shoot two football stadia at each
other with enough accuracy that the flies in the middle hit, especially
when the flies repel each other. This is the difficulty of fusion by
atomic collision.

With compression, we have a collection of football stadia, and a
compression wave comes in from the outside, squeezing the stadia together.
You can see that the compression has to be extremely strong in order to
get two flies near each other, and even then you probably need a lot
of stadia involved to improve the chances. This is the difficulty of
fusion by compression.

With fission, a fly splits, and some sub-fly-sized particles go flying
out. Clearly with two atoms near each other, the chance of one fly
particle hitting the fly at the middle of the other is extremely remote.
That is why you normally need a whole lot of stadia, so that there is
some reasonable chance of a fly particle happening to strike another fly
at such distances. This is the difficulty of fission by critical mass.

Various tricks have been proposed to improve the situation. With muon
catalyzed fusion, the size of the atoms is reduced by replacing the
electrons with muons. Instead of a fly in a football stadium, it's like
a fly in a closet. Now there is a significant possibility for flies
in adjacent closets to get near each other, although you still probably
need a large number of atoms to give you good odds.

Cold fusion was supposed to inject more flies into the system, but clearly
even if we could increase the density of flies by a factor of 2 or even 10,
the rate of fusion would still be very small, and again you would need a
lot of atoms.

Maybe some tricks could be used to help with fission. If we could somehow
control the direction of the fly particles, we might increase the chance
of them hitting other flies. Maybe some quantum tricks, magnetism or
something similar, could help with that. I haven't heard of any research
along those lines.


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