Re: life extension vs natural law

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 08:50:39 MST

From: "Gina Miller" <>

>extension also includes the desire to be able to reproduce far
>longer than currently possible,.............. I've read somewhere,
>that with nanotechnology and the issue of life extention: one
>could plausably design the human body to an age of 3338 years.
>Once reaching that age, the body in it's present state of
>environment, could not physically last any longer due to nautural
>wear and tear. However, that amount of time would undoubtedly be
>enough time to learn the technology to strive beyond even that
>term of existence.

Once we possess the technology, biological wear and tear will
become irrelevant. However the possibility of accidents will
continue to plague the biologically based immortals. Hopefully
advancing tech will assist in many areas, and things like "utility
fog" may help protect. Some of couurse will move to shiny new homes
of metal and compositites.

(see extropy back issues #13, vol 6, no 2, and #14, vol 7, no 1)

Member, Extropy Institute
Chicago, IL

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