Re: [FWD IP: La Times: A Moral Project for the 21ST Century]

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 08:53:13 MST

From: Brian Atkins <>

>What do you think, is this interesting to consider? Myself, I
>think things would progress even more quickly if we took a
>big chunk of this military budget and spent it on funding
>science projects more directly. Not to mention we could have
>finished that particle accelerator in Texas...

Texas politicians pulled a political fast one to get the SSC, first
chance they got, the enemies they made cut them and the project to

As for this moral project, I disagree completely. There are to many
military problems in the world to consider this currently. Our best
bet is to stay ahead technology.

Member, Extropy Institute
Chicago, IL

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