Re: Weather Modification vs People

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Jan 18 1999 - 11:16:06 MST

At 04:29 PM 1/14/99 -0700, wrote:

>Do these revelations come as any surprise to anyone who
>understands the true nature of "government"?

  IAN: What surprises me is how the entire media
  Establishment and thus the majority of people,
  believe exactly that which is necessary for
  "the true nature of government" to run wild!

  I believe that the majority are "order-taking
  believers," that is, they believe what they
  were told and entrained to believe from youth.
  Public education has entrained belief subordination
  to that to which we pledge allegiance.. the State.
  Thus the emissaries of the State direct belief.

  If dozens of witnesses saw a rocket kill FL800,
  but unknown persons at the CIA produce a video
  that claims noseless planes can maintain stable
  flight and even fly upwards at twice the normal
  speed (void the laws of physics), that must be
  true, since the witnesses are not leaders.

  Every person is drilled from first grade to university
  to believe what their teachers/elders/leaders tell them.
  The people in the TV represent the leaders, and what
  they tell people to believe, most will believe.

  As I researched libertarianism, my counter arguments
  against the libertarian literature that I was reading
  came directly from what I was told to believe in my
  Social Studies class in public high school. I've
  isolated the core source of my once-socialist
  mind set: the public (socialist) school system.

  In social studies class I was told that unionism,
  federal regulation and control were the saviours of
  humanity from the ravages of capitalist exploitation.
  It was virtually Marxism 101, but more like Marx-lite,
  instead of going for policies that would induce famine
  almost over night, it's the slow/static poverty track.

  As to per the question about whether the revelations
  of secret military-weather control Ops are a surprise.
  What is, (at least has been to me over several years) is
  that the media seems to operate as a subsidiary function
  of the federal govt. Observe the one and only blurb the
  multiple events of "cobweb" (cloud seed) dropping air-
  craft got in the media (USA Today, 8/11/98, page 9A):

        "UFO CLEANING: Maybe the little green men were
        just doing a spot of cleaning but residents of
        a small Australian community swear they saw
        cobwebs fall from the sky after UFOs passed
        overhead. Dozens of residents of Quirindi
        called Australia's Antional UFO hot line
        after the incident."

  Gee, so since they could not identify the aircraft
  dumping cobweb-like (cloud seeding) debris on them,
  they were UFOs and we can laugh off the whole case.
  I'd say that reason stipulates that between aliens
  and the mass-hallucination it seems to be written
  off as, there is the most probable scenario: that
  they were military aircraft dropping the very same
  cloud seed that is being reported around the world,
  which is supported by this statement from the USAF:

     "In the US, weather modification will likely
     become a part of national security policy with
     both domestic and international applications."

  Which indicates that secret-cloud-seeding will be world-wide.


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