Re: Major Technologies

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri Jan 08 1999 - 15:31:14 MST

I would think there are lots of micron-sized particles leaving our
solar system now. A gray goo capable of passive or even active solar
sailing or of other, active means of panspermia would obviously seem
to have lots of evolutionary advantages. Due to co-evolutionary
pressure you can obviously get arbitrarily complex autoreplicators,
up to the level of sentience. (As autoreplicators can't emerge
spontaneously, they will obviously have potential for advanced
infoprocessing capabilities right from the start. Since brittle
autoreplicators are containable, the emerged autoreplicators will be
nonbrittle in respects to evolutionary optimization).


P.S. You non-believers in the gray goo being dangerous are really
        scary. Arriving at rash conclusions, often riddled with
        obvious logical flaws and basing further course of action upon
        these is imo dangerously unresponsible behaviour. We need
        nano-CERT, and quick.

Spike Jones writes:

> of course, interstellar space is about 5 orders of magintude larger than
> interplanetary space. i need to do the calcs, but intuition tells me
> a meteor could not punch material out of the sun's gravity well, and even
> if so, the simple relicator would not survive the jillions of years of
> wandering thru i.s. space. guess that would explain why we have
> never had one fall on this planet.
> a grey-gooed double star might be able to goo its neighbor perhaps. spike

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