Re: Major Technologies

Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 06:42:35 MST

Samael [] wrote:
>But Grey Goo doesn't mind if it kills it's host. It doesn't even mind if
>it eats other grey goo. If you have an expanding sphere of grey goo, the
>inside goo can feed on itself while the outside goo eats other things.

Depends on the precise parameters; for example if a grey goo nanobot can kill
ten other grey goo nanobots in the time it would take to make one, then the
sphere will soon die out. Of course it could do a lot of damage in that
time. The important point is that these detailed implementation issues are
entirely ignored by the nanotech doomsayers; just as many similar issues
are ignored by the nanotech utopians.


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