Re: Big Bang demiurges

From: Patrick Wilken (
Date: Wed Jan 06 1999 - 00:46:40 MST

>We must also
>see that the gaps between galactic arms are really rather wide and are a
>hindrance to expansion.

Stanislaw Lem -- in the 'World as Cataclysm' (One Human Minute, 1986) --
argues that the early solar system spent time in a galactic arm where
stellar explosions were common (and which he argues were a necessary
precursor to life), but then shortly thereafter left for the quieter spaces
between arms. By being in the relatively empty spaces ensured that life was
not too quickly snuffed out by nearby supernovae (which would have occurred
if we were near the center or stuck within a spiral arm).

Anyone want to voice an opinion on how this argument has stood the test of
time? I find its most interesting feature that it contradicts the
underlying belief that we are on a very average star in a very average
point in the galaxy. On the contrary if Lem is right its only in particular
places (approx. 34k light years from the center - where stars pass through
the arms on a regular, but not too fast pace) that life-bearing star
systems can emerge.

ciao, patrick

Patrick Wilken
Editor: PSYCHE: An International Journal of Research on Consciousness
Secretary: The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness

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