Extropian Music?

From: Christopher Whipple (byteboy@simons-rock.edu)
Date: Mon Dec 14 1998 - 16:48:13 MST

Has this question ever been really covered?

I'm extremely curious what [the list] would classify as "Extropian Music".

My musical collection is quite large -- and the first thing that would come
to my mind as Extropian is "Intelligent Techno". Or, techno music that
relies heavily on technology and mathematics. Groups including Autechre
and Aphex Twin come to mind immediately.

Of course, I don't think you could mention electronic music & memetics
without coming across "music concrete", John Cage, and Frank Zappa...

Enough of my tastes, what do all of _you_ think??

Latest CD Purchased: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Soundtrack
Favorite Tune on it: White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane

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