Re: death penalty extropian? a modest proposal

From: J. R. (
Date: Fri Nov 27 1998 - 22:39:44 MST

spike wrote,
>in the future we will probably invent some means of reforming violent
>criminals with some noninvasive equitable procedure. society needs
>protection from them in the mean time. modest proposal: freeze the
>store in liquid nitrogen until such means are discovered and implemented.

When "society" proposes to classify transhumanists and extropians as
"violent criminals" then we'll need protection from "society."

I think the world needs criminal corpsicles about as much as it needs to
collide with a giant asteroid. "Where society outlaws cryogenics, only
outlaws will get frozen." --Elmer Fudd

>the deterrent value of such a penalty is unclear. ideas? this proposal
>would provide a number of corpsicles that were perfectly healthy and
>young when they were cryonicized.

Idea: Find the cause of criminality, and fix it. (Oh, sorry, I had convinced
myself that science and technology could do practical things as well as spin
off more computer games and Borg movies.) But just think, if some savvy
transhuman network actually determined the cause of criminality and fixed
it, suddenly the "death penalty" would join the "scarlet letter" in the
dustbin of irrelevance.


J. R. Molloy

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