Re: what does the word grok mean?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 23:31:12 MST

> > >define please this term "grok." i saw it used in ed regis' book
> > >nano, but the context was uncertain. thanks! spike
> >
> > Michael Lorrey wrote: grok is Unix-geek speak: it means "get it".
> while that may be its meaning to unix users, it did not originate there. Grok
> originated with Robert Heinlein's book _Stranger In A Strange Land_.

thanks mike. i have a power mac and a unix box on my desk at work.
i use the mac almost exclusively, the unix box only for matlab and a
couple other things. heres a coincidence for you: i was at the library
book sale one week ago today and was looking at heinlein's stranger
in a strange land. a geek came up and said it was the best book he
ever read. so i bought it. {8^D spike

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