New cryoprotectants

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 21:48:04 MST

>From Cryonet
Message #10760
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 07:46:44 -0800
From: Peter Merel <>
Subject: The 21CM Conference and Why no one is talking about it.

First off I have to say it was most peculiar and enjoyable to meet in the
flesh so many folk I've corresponded with for years. Best regards to all of
you. What follows is just my unschooled impressions - don't go investing
just on my say-so.

So whappened? The latter half of the morning was a presentation by Mike
Darwin of his successes in mitigating ischemic damage through chilled
fluorocarbon breathing. Mike's now got 50% of his dogs surviving 17
minutes of *warm* ischemia without any effect, the other 50% experiencing
a mild cognitive impairment. He's shooting for 30 minutes. How does it work?
The analogy he used a couple of times was putting ice on a burned thumb -
if you do this quick, you don't get the swelling, pain or injury that you
get otherwise. Apparently the same is true for brains.

There's a lot more to what Mike presented, but the upshot is that if this
work were applied to humans, it would dramatically increase survival rates
from sudden heart attacks. Many hundreds of thousands of lives a year would
be saved. The downside is FDA regulations make this a long term prospect only -
it'll be many many years of red tape, and maybe never, that Americans will
actually benefit from Mike's pioneering work. Non-americans may be luckier.
Mike showed some CAD mockups of a commercial unit that would implement his
protocols, and I get the impression that discussions are under way to
mass-produce the things for use overseas.

But the wonders were truly in the first half of the morning. Fahey and
Wowk have got something wonderful happening. They've got a series of new
cryoprotectants with orders of magnitude less toxicity, better vitrifying
power, better permeability, and better stability than anything in the
literature. They're combining these with a synthetic polymer similar to
fish and beetle antifreeze proteins to ward off devitrification on warming.

The upshot is something that, at very low concentrations too, actually seems
to do the trick both with cooling and warming without any fancy external
gear to increase the rates - no RF warming, and conventional rates of
cooling. What's more they feel they may even get the glass transition to occur
at higher temperatures than dry-ice freezing, so no more liquid nitrogen ...
hell, there are so many still-unexplored research avenues in what they're
doing, if it all works out, maybe even permafrost or a conventional meat
locker might be okay for short term storage (they didn't say that!).

Most of their experiments so far were with rabbit kidneys and human sperm,
but the most dramatic stuff they showed was two experiments done just last
week with rabbit brains. They showed the micrographs and compared them with
the infamous ones that made a non-cryonicist out of Mike Darwin.

You folk know I'm no biologist. I know a bit of parlour neurology, but
I'm basically pig-ignorant. Still I have eyes: these new and very very early
experiments - really just shots in the dark - preserved many orders of
magnitude more structure on all scales than modern techniques. Everything
from the molecular guts of axons up to the macrostructure looked essentially
intact. Compared with the usual torn-and-minced micrographs this was
just stunning.

The most dramatic moment of the day occurred when a member of the audience
asked Brian Wowk how long it would take to scale this up to whole bodies.
Brian said, "a very long time". Mike Darwin chimed in, "no, I have to disagree
with Brian. Given these new results I just don't think it's all that hard ..."
You could hear the jaws dropping all around the room. Not a pretty sound,
mind you ...

As to why no one is talking, I suppose they're all waiting for prospectuses.
Having just bought a new house for Y2K I have bugger-all to invest, but FWIW
I sure wish I did. Kent and Falloon must be over the moon - there seem
to be many billions in conventional applications of this work quite apart
from the cryonics potential. And Fahey says they've achieved all this in just
5 months of active work.

Peter Merel.

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