Re: gender apartheid information warfare

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Nov 05 1998 - 00:05:23 MST

Kathryn Aegis wrote:

> I assume that many of you are aware of the situation in Afghanistan by
> now. An excellent set of factual material and suggestions for action
> can be found at

kathryn, i read the site. enrages one, does it not? i have been toying
with the notion of information warfare: the concept of crushing a
oppressive regime, not with guns or bombs, but with a message of hope
to those who are being suffocated by tradition and superstition.
once the genie of freedom has been released from the bottle, there
is no stuffing it back in. when the time is right, the women of the middle
east will explode forth, breaking the chains of their backward society,
with a power and grace unseen in our time. spike

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