Re: Also Re: Special Relativity

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Jun 23 1998 - 22:26:02 MDT

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998 Ian Goddard <> wrote:

> All 8 Valid Measurements Made by Observer A
>(AA') Difference between A and A' = 0 (old-A same as now-A)
>(AB') Difference between A and B' = 1 (old-A larger than now-B)
>(BA') Difference between B and A' = -1 (old-B is smaller than now-A)
>(BB') Difference between B and B' = 1 (old-B is larger than now-B)
>(A'A) Difference between A' and A = 0 (now-A same as old-A)
>(A'B) Difference between A' and B = 1 (now-A larger than old-B)
>(B'A) Difference between B' and A = -1 (now-B is smaller than old-A)
>(B'B) Difference between B' and B = -1 (now-B is smaller than old-B)

 Actually, (BA') and (A'B) must be corrected (it's
 still 0 sum :). All caps & * mark changed measure:

 (AA') Difference between A and A' = 0 (old-A same as now-A)
 (AB') Difference between A and B' = 1 (old-A larger than now-B)
*(BA') Difference between B and A' = 0 (old-B SAME AS now-A) *
 (BB') Difference between B and B' = 1 (old-B larger than now-B)

 (A'A) Difference between A' and A = 0 (now-A same as old-A)
*(A'B) Difference between A' and B = 0 (now-A SAME AS than old-B) *
 (B'A) Difference between B' and A = -1 (now-B smaller than old-A)
 (B'B) Difference between B' and B = -1 (now-B smaller than old-B)

                     net difference = 0


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