Also Re: Special Relativity

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Jun 23 1998 - 20:22:36 MDT

Ian Goddard <> wrote:

> A filled out this chart of all differences:
> (AA) Difference between A and A = 0
> (AB) Difference between A and B = A is 1 larger
> (BA) Difference between B and A = B is -1 smaller
> (BB) Difference between B and B = 0
> Observer B measured these differences:
> (AA) Difference between A and A = 0
> (AB) Difference between A and B = A is -1 smaller
> (BA) Difference between B and A = B is 1 larger
> (BB) Difference between B and B = 0

  IAN: Those measures are of things seen NOW
  relative to things seen NOW. If we measure
  NOW against PAST (in the scenario previously
  cited) we have twice as many valid measurements
  made by each observer, since we are now measuring
  also across time. We thus have the following:

  The "'" placed after a letter = present time,
  such that "A = A in past," and " A' = A now "

 All 8 Valid Measurements Made by Observer A

(AA') Difference between A and A' = 0 (old-A same as now-A)
(AB') Difference between A and B' = 1 (old-A larger than now-B)
(BA') Difference between B and A' = -1 (old-B smaller than now-A)
(BB') Difference between B and B' = 1 (old-B larger than now-B)

(A'A) Difference between A' and A = 0 (now-A same as old-A)
(A'B) Difference between A' and B = 1 (now-A larger than old-B)
(B'A) Difference between B' and A = -1 (now-B smaller than old-A)
(B'B) Difference between B' and B = -1 (now-B smaller than old-B)

  Notice that in the first 4 we get an asymmetry,
  two positives and one negative, but when we have
  all measurements, we see that net difference = 0.


  "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its
 opponents and making them see the light, but rather because
  its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows
   up that is familiar with the idea from the beginning."

                 Max Plank - Nobel physicist

     "The smallest minority on earth is the individual.
       Those who deny individual rights cannot claim
         to be defenders of minorities." Ayn Rand


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