Truth? YES!!

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue May 19 1998 - 18:24:01 MDT

At 01:53 PM 5/19/98 CST, The SHO master c.c. wrote:
>Can we really put a definite definition to the word truth?

  IAN: Physical reality. Concepts, ideas, and
  claims that are true are those that map onto
  the physical reality as a one-one function.
  Beyond the physical reality, a true claim
  is one that follows logically from a given
  set of axioms and such claims are true only
  to the extent they adhere to those axioms
  and may not be true outside those axioms.

>1. truth is in the eye of the beholder

  IAN: Physics equations can predict physical
  outcomes with little or no room for doubt.
  That Newton's law of gravity F = GmM/r^2
  defines gravity and allows up to predict
  its effects under various conditions is
  a truth NOT "in the eye of the beholder."

> 2. bias truth
> a. hitler is viewed as evil by the majority for ordering the
>death of millions, yet Einstien is viewed as good when in actuality
>he killed millions more than hitler

   IAN: I doubt that that maps onto the physical
   reality since I don't think that the A-bombs
   killed millions, or that Einstein can be said
   to be fully responsible. Mutual assured de-
   struction may have even saved millions.

   If those claims about reality do not map onto
   the physical reality, then they are not true.
   They very fact that you cite them means that
   your relying on some standard of truth to
   argue that there is no standard of truth!

> b. Columbus discovered America, usually discovery is of the unknown
(America was already known, and inhabited) and he never saw

   IAN: So it does not map onto the phsyical reality.

>3. my truth is not necessarily your truth, and yours not mine

   IAN: You mean that you can override gravity?

>4. truth is only a test of you collected knowledge, there fore the
>more knowledge the more truth
>5. all truth has the option of being bias

    IAN: No argument here invalidates the definition
    of truth as the physical reality I just proposed.


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