FYI: MEDIA & Greenpeace

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Mon Dec 02 1996 - 14:24:35 MST

Here's a forwarded post from the gentec mailing list. This is
interesting in the context of "Media Attacks" and transhumanist ideas.
I can't help but wonder what kind of "guerilla tactics" will be employed
in the years ahead, as (trans)humans begin more overt bio-engineering.



     Today , the Greenpeace ship 'MV Greenpeace' sailed up the
     Mississippi River to confront food industry giant Cargill at their
     grain facility in Laplace , 60 miles outside of New Orleans.
     Activists in inflatable boats identified a ship being loaded with
     Monsanto's genetically engineered soybeans and "branded" the ship
     with bright yellow posters tha t read 'X - Genetic Experiment'.
     Meanwhile six other activists climbed onto the grain facility,
     preventing the loading of the genetically engineered soybeans.

     "Consumers are refusing to buy genetically altered soybeans
     because of the risks to their health and the environment. By
     refusing to keep separate the genetically altered soybeans,
     companies like Ca rgill are putting U.S. markets at risk," said
     Greenpeace International spokesperson Michelle Sheather onboard
     the MV Greenpeace.

     Soybeans are the United States' second largest agricultural
     export, with approximately 40% of the crop exported to Europe.
     Over one hundred European retailers, food manufacturers, and food
     processor s have refused to accept Monsanto's genetically
     engineered soybeans due to concerns of health hazards and
     environmental safety. Monsanto is the chemical company responsible
     for the creation of the g enetically altered soybean. Cargill is
     one the main companies responsible for the export of the
     genetically engineered soybeans.

     Last week in Louisiana, Greenpeace and representatives from the
     National Family Farm Coalition and National Family Farm Defenders
     came together to protest at a Monsanto facility on the Mississippi
     ri ver and jointly demanded that Monsanto take the genetically
     altered soybeans off the market. Also last week, Greenpeace
     activists blockaded the Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) grain
     facility in Destreh an, Louisiana and called for the grain
     facility to ensure separation of the genetically altered soybeans
     from natural soybeans. On Friday, ADM lawyers served Greenpeace
     with notice of a court injunc tion and a restraining order that
     would prohibit any further protests at ADM facilities.

     Last week in Europe, Greenpeace blockaded shipments of soybeans
     being imported by Cargill as they arrived into Antwerp and Ghent
     in Belgium. The protests were both ended following court
     injunctions f ining Greenpeace 30 000 dollar for every hour that
     the protests continued. Over the weekend Greenpeace activists
     painted 'No X-soya' on both sides of another Cargill vessel, just
     before she entered B elgium waters. The Greenpeace ship the Sirius
     has been impounded in Belgium since last Thursday.

     Greenpeace has complied with all of the court orders but said its
     campaign would continue. Greenpeace believes genetically
     engineered organisms pose a serious risk to the environment, human
     health and the future health of the U.S farm economy.



     Five Greenpeace activists arrested yesterday at the Cargill grain
     terminal for protesting the companies export of genetically
     engineered soybeans were released today. The activists (Peter
     Bradley, Anibal Rivera, Monica Rhode, David DeRosa, Tanya
     Whitford) have been charged with criminal trespass and were held
     over night at St. John the Baptist Parish and were released with
     $3,000 bond.

     In the past week Greenpeace has escalated its campaign against the
     new genetically engineered soybean created by chemical giant
     Monsanto and exported by grain companies Cargill, ADM and others.

     Last week in Louisiana, Greenpeace and representatives from the
     National Family Farm Coalition and National Family Farm Defenders
     came together to protest at a Monsanto facility on the Mississippi
     river and jointly demanded that Monsanto take the genetically
     altered soybeans off the market. Also last week, Greenpeace
     activists blockaded the Acher Daniels Midland (ADM) grain facility
     in Destrehan, Louisiana and called for the grain facility to
     ensure separation of the genetically altered soybeans from natural
     soybeans. On Friday, ADM lawyers served Greenpeace with notice of
     a court injunction and a restraining order that would prohibit any
     further protests at ADM facilities.

     On Thursday the European Parliament voted to call for the
     segregation of the genetically engineered soybeans from the normal
     soybeans. Cargill has refused to separate the soybeans sparking
     protests in Europe and the United States. Greenpeace believes
     genetically engineered organisms pose a serious risk to the
     environment, human health and the future of the U.S. farm economy.
     Greenpeace vowed today to continue its international campaign
     against genetically engineered soybeans


     Tzeporah Berman or Terri Johnson, Greenpeace, (504) 566-9500 or
     (504) 421-5262 or (504) 421-3285.

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