Visual Languages

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Tue Nov 12 1996 - 01:46:25 MST

This is an active area of research. IEEE sponsors a symposium on
Visual Languages each year. I have the proceedings of the 1993
meeting. It's a 400 page book with more than 50 articles; here are a
few sample topics:

  Animation of algorithms
  Fractal approaches for visualizing huge hierarchies
  Interacting visual abstractions of programs
  Graphical front ends for visual languages
  Generating Smalltalk code from graphical operations and rules
  Metatools for language translation

IEEE also sponsors an annual meeting on visualization, distinct
from the above. I went to the first one, called Visualization 90,
six years ago. Some sample topics from that meeting:

  Visualizing computer memory architectures
  Wide-band relativistic Doppler effect visualization
  Techniques for visualizing Fermat's Last Theorem
  Volume visualization in cell biology
  A journey into the fourth dimension
  Human perception and visualization

Anyone who wants to pursue this subject should join IEEE and go to
these conferences.


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