Re: Visual Languages

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Mon Nov 11 1996 - 14:07:04 MST

>Chris, the visual language is already being used, and it's been around in
>forms for thousands of years. It's not something that we have to invent and
>standardize. Look at a magazine advertisement. Watch television. Go to
>movies. Go to an art gallery. These are forms of the visual language. If
>you wish to communicate with a visual language, develop your skills in
>arts. Learn to create images.

A pictures' worth a thousand words. Hmm good analogy.

>So many tools are being developed now that make it much easier for people to
>create very high quality images and communicate them with others, that
>creating images is likely to eventually become as popular as making sounds.
>People will then communicate much more through images than they do now. But
>we will still use sound, I'm sure. We will use words still, I'm sure.
>However, tools are also being developed that allow people to generate very
>high quality sounds. New sorts of musical instruments are being created
>will be very powerful and versatile. People will be able to play these
>instruments with data gloves, worn on their hands and connected to small,
>powerful computers. Creating music is likely to become as popular as
>is today. People will grow competent at expressing their own emotions
>the music they will be generating pretty much all the time.

We'll be able to create all sorts of new instruments and sounds by 3D
modeling them and simulating air or vibrations passing through them to
create strange unique sounds.

>I might create an image around us of an open meadow, and you might create
>flowers and trees which blossom around us. Someone else could join in,
>creating a soft and beautiful melody, slowly rising and filling the air as
>someone makes the sun rise and adds clouds to glow with glorious color.
>Someone else will contribute, with a clam deep voice, saying softly, "We
>to a new day, a day of promise, a day where we will create the fulfullment
>all our deepest desires."
>Our dialogue would be a shared art project, each of us playing with and
>to the contributions of the others.

Yeah, this sound possible in a virtual environment and we'll probably see
something like this no to long from now.

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