Re: Join The American Peace Movement

Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 10:27:27 MST

       I think there is a difference between what you said and what Chomsky
says. If you dislike or have reservations about America you at least offered
evidence of what you felt that way. If your evidence was inconclusive you
were at least concrete enough we could discuss that if we wished.
       As an aside let me say I don't want to debate the US vs Canada. I
have close Canadian friends that have voted with their feet and stayed home.
On the other hand I have spent a fair amount of time in the Toronto and
Montral areas. I really liked both but again I voted with my feet.
       On the other hand I don't read Chomsky as being nearly as concrete in
his monologue as you are. He also uses the technique of making so many
charges that it becomes almost impossible to seperate them for possible
       However you make some good points on underlying assumptions. Still, I
have a final exam to prepare for and after that some material that is really
interesting to study as well as a couple of threads I am very interested in
discussing -- as to Chomsky I am going to cut my losses and quit wasting my
time on him.
Ron h.

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