Re: Latest vanity game: Googlism

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Nov 03 2002 - 09:25:53 MST

Spike wrote:
I recognize that autobiography is reprehensible, but some
of the material from my own experiences are just too funny
to leave unwritten, just in order to achieve nonreprehensibility.

I found an end run, however, by simply calling it a

I've had a funny life. {8^D

Spike, you need a website where you share these stories with the world! I sure would read them.

I wrote:
>Robert, Take it easy on Anders!! : )

Robert Bradbury wrote:
Why? He isn't exactly a moving target. Well, maybe he's moving
but its in a fairly predictable direction.

Anders replied:
That is just because you don't see the components of my velocity in the
other dimensions. :-)

Anders wrote:
:-) Actually, with these kinds of early applications we can already see
the trend towards true *auto*biography: software that puts together
biographies on demand.

I want to see true A.I. writing *auto*biographies! I would rather have my biography written by an Oxford professor with to much time on his hands. lol

Anders continued:
I predict that given enough intelligence amplification everybody will
seem like a super-erudite intellectual, making offhanded references to
truly obscure issues like the Tiberian enigmas - and since the listeners
also have it, it will seem like ordinary witticisms. And everybody will
have at least the auto-biography of everybody else - you only make an
autobiography to tell people what isn't in the auto-biography.

Anders, future social gatherings to try to impress one's peers with one's learning are going to get SO boring, unless we can enjoy things without the oneupmanship that sometimes exists now. Of course people like you who can bring something new to the table will still very much impress. I don't think this will have a negative effect on future extros! lol

> In the Anchorage public square I have a floorbrick which has inscribed on it...
> "John Grigg 1967-2062
> Keep on Trying"

Robert wrote:
Jeepers John, you only want to live to be 95?
What's the point of that?

It was before I had really gotten into cryonics and tranashumanism, so for the time I was being pretty ambitious. Actually if I could "stay vertical(as Dr. Lemler of Alcor likes to say)" till ninety-five I would get a pretty good quality suspension!! lol Or perhaps I would simply skip cryonics altogether and have the Frietas nanobot treatment to make me better than ever! : )

Next time I hear they are selling bricks I will have one read...
John Grigg

Robert, I realize even with this I am still not up to your high standard! lol

I'm not even sure if I want full emortality, but I would like to outlive Methusalah. : ) I remember being about seven years old and sitting down in the corner behind a massive wooden dining table my folks had. In my private spot I continued reading my illustrated children's Bible and came upon the part where the ages of the antediluvian people are listed. I was amazed to read some people lived for centuries!! I went over to my mother, telling her of my discovery and saying "don't you wish people still lived that long?" She actually agreed with me and from then on I knew I wanted to live a much longer lifespan. At that time I just did not know their were options out there! I don't know if Alcor would have accepted seven-year olds only two years into their forming... lol

> But at least *I* have a really perceptive quote(for when the Anders
Sandberg autobiography comes out!)...

he continued:
Now that *was* amusing. If you keep this up you may give
Spike a run for his money as the Extropian Humorist.
High praise indeed!! I could never give Spike a real run for his money as the Extropian humorist because he has such a talent for making higher mathematics funny(to people expert in higher mathematics!). I bet on his desk at work there is a photo of Shelley and another one of Rudy Rucker! : )

best wishes,


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