Re: META: information sources

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 17:14:36 MST

Robert wrote:

>It looks like Google is getting into the information source
>business. (Wasn't Northern Lights doing this for a while???).
>At any rate cruise on over to
>I've looked at a few of the questions and answers. In some
>cases we seem to be talking pretty deep material and pretty
>deep answers as well. The answers in many cases would appear
>to be in greater depth than the payment seems to justify
>(at least to me), so we may be getting into a "gift economy"
>structure here. [People like to show off their knowledge.]

Hmm...I must admit that it is an interesting concept, but I wonder how
Google chooses their "carefully screened Researchers." For example, in the
"recently answered questions" section, one of the questions is "Why do
music CDs get released on Tuesdays." The answer that person was given is
just plain wrong. It is *not* because of Billboard magazine's weekly
release date is on Wednesdays...perhaps a better question would be "Why is
Billboard magazine released on Wednesdays?"

So who is to bar false or misinformed answers?

                      E. Shaun Russell

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