Re: If it moves, we can track it!

From: FutureQ (
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 22:29:23 MDT

spike66 wrote:

> Roger that. The blood of these victims of the Virginian
> terrorist is on our hands. And all the kidnap victims
> and most rape victims in the past 8 years at least.
> We have had the tech to stop this kind of crime and we
> didn't use it, all in the name of privacy.
> Privacy schmivacy, thats what I say. Transparency is
> the right way. Total, thorough, mutual transparency.
> Information wants to be freeeee!
> spike

I totally transparently agree! Of course this will one day mean someone watching
us all as we are having sex too. Gee, it'll turn us all into porn stars! Crap!
Another reason for the Moral Majority to hate transhumanism.


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