EXI POTPOURRI: Crazy texans, real risks and clueless judiciary

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Sun Oct 06 2002 - 20:54:06 MDT

/. indicates there is now a Commercial Spaceport in Texas:


(I wonder what happens when the first rocket crash lands in New Orleans...)

And Warren Buffet teams up with Ted Turner (to some extent) to
deal with the collective hazards facing humanity:

Warren Buffet Moves to Help Group Trying to Reduce Nuclear and
Biolgoical Threats:


And finally, just a small indicator of how clueless segments of
our society are (as we slide ever faster towards the singularity):

"What are GIF files?" from "Stop, in the Name of 'Bots"
(by Glenn Harlan Reynolds -- a Foresight senior associate and
someone who understands the term "singularity").


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