Re: When Programs Benefit

From: John K Clark (
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 11:33:02 MDT

"Hal Finney" <> Wrote:

> But in the case of conscious observers, we believe it is a matter of
> fact whether there are one or two observers. It's not something we can
> decide arbitrarily.

I disagree, I don't think identity is an all or nothing matter. With present
technology the question doesn't come up much but in the future I think we
will hear a lot of terms like "mostly survived" and "almost dead". We get a
little of that now when people ask what is the exact instant a fertilized
egg becomes a human being; such questions have no easy answer because it's

>Identity is identity, and there's a big difference between
>"the same" and "almost the same".

Not so big, after all they are almost the same. You are quite literally not
the same man you were one hour ago, but you're almost the same and that's
good enough to still be you.

    John K Clark

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